Dear Parents,
You should have received your registration forms(K-8) for next school year. Preschool students are automatically rolled over into the next class until they are old enough for Kindergarten. If you did not get your envelope, check with your oldest child and it may be in their desk here at school. If you have other children who are not currently at ILS and would like another form or know someone who would like to be a part of our school, please contact the office or you can also locate that on our school website.
I want to share some very important dates and information with each family as we look to finish out this school year.
- March 20 – pizza fundraiser pick up in the school commons in the morning
- March 30 – 4:30 volleyball game at Immanuel Mankato (2 spectators per player and players and spectators always masked)
- April 8th – 4:30 volleyball game at home against Immanuel Mankato (same protocol with spectators and masks)
- April 18 – Gospel Drama “Mission Possible” 2:00 pm in the church All students K-8 should be in attendance
- April 22 – Talent Night 6:30 pm more details to follow for location- etc. Students who wish to participate individually will get a signup sheet after Easter and watch for information from teachers if the class is doing anything together
- April 28-30- Camp Omega for 6th – 8th grade (Some students have said they are not going. If your child is not planning on attending please contact Mrs. Hoeft or Mrs. King asap. This is part of their academics, environmental outdoor education. If students do not attend they are required to still attend school and work on service projects and a possible written report. This is not a time to work on late work. )
- May 21 – ILS Field Day at the city park – parent involvement is appreciated- more information to follow
- May 27th – Last Day of School and 6:30 Closing Service in Church
- Vacation Bible School at ILC will be June 27-July1 watch facebook and the church bulletin for more information
- September 7, 2021 – First day of the 2021-2022 School Year
We pray daily that all of our families continue to stay healthy! Thank you for helping with this by keeping your children home when they aren’t feeling well and making sure that they have no Covid symptoms before coming to school.
In His Service,
Mrs. King