A Letter from the Principal
Thank you to all families who took time to come into school and talk with
teachers this week and those coming next week as well. This partnership makes
a huge difference in the education for these children. We are blessed to have
great teachers, students, and families here at Immanuel. We are working very
hard keeping the school clean and making sure that students who are not well
stay home. The teachers have made a request and it has been approved by the
school board to dismiss school on Monday and Tuesday of the week of
Thanksgiving and have a full week off. This will give teachers time to make plans
for December, plan the Christmas Service, and do some extra cleaning in the
classrooms. We encourage families to use this time with their children to
stay healthy, finish work or projects that are not complete, and enjoy close
family. Please strive to keep your families healthy so your children can remain in
school and we can remain open! SSLC will be open for currently enrolled daycare
students on Mon. – Wed. and will be closed Thurs. – Fri. for
Thanksgiving. Contact Kelsi if you are in need of care for Monday and Tuesday
and are not part of the daily numbers (Callee, Kelsi, or Stacia’s rooms).
Be generous and willing to share ~ 1 Timothy 6:18
This month the children’s character trait to focus on is generosity!
This seems to be fitting as we go into the holiday season and we start planning our family gettogethers and gift giving. It is always better to give than to receive!
There are multiple ways in which we can give generously of our time, talents and treasures! Be creative and decide how your family can carry out this trait and share our love with others!
Along with the usual newsletter being sent home, we have also sent scrip order forms, book fair flyers and a chance to sign up to win a scholastic book for your family! Check with your student for these items.
NO SCHOOL Nov. 23-27th
Nov. 10: Scrip is Due!
Nov. 11-12: Parent/Teacher Conferences
Nov. 20: Picture Retakes-this IS a change from 11/19
Nov. 23-27th NO SCHOOL
Dec. 15th: PreK Christmas Program @ 6
Dec. 17th: K-8 Christmas