What’s done to children, they will do to society.
Karl Menninger
As I typed the quote above, I had a bit of de-ja vu and realized I have used this quote before; but in my opinion, it’s a good one. Although, I feel it puts a lot of weight on us as a school, especially in today’s world! Yikes! The school is held responsible for a lot. I’m guilty of it as a parent –we hand them off to the school each morning and make them responsible for their “smarts”; and in the case at Immanuel, sometimes it ends up being used as a substitute for the religion portion. We can hope we are an addition to the religion aspect, but either way…that’s a lot of responsibility!!
I know these teachers give their heart and soul here and we can be extra thankful for them this Thanksgiving season! They not only worry about what type of grades these students are getting but also worry about their spiritual well-being and what kind of adults they will become. They want the best for these kiddos- In all aspects of their lives here on earth and prepare them for the next!
May you have a blessed Thanksgiving Season with your family and remember to pray for the teachers and their families. Remember to thank them personally as well for all they do in helping our children grow up to be faithful stewards In this society!
Nov. 27th 5:30-6: Meet Me Under the Mistletoe, Children will be singing Christmas carols with ILC for the cars that drive thru to enjoy the first night of lights at Oak Terrace! Be there by 5:15 p.m.
Nov. 30: Basketball Starts! Practice 3:30-5
Dec.1: Basketball Practice
Dec. 2: Basketball/CheerleadingPictures @ 9 a.m.
Dec. 12: ILC Choir Concert w/students!
Blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it.
~ Luke 11:28 ~
Book Fair
The Book Fair always brings a lot of fun and amusement to the building for a week! This year, the focus was on book characters; and the children were able to focus on some of their favorite characters and their love for reading by painting pumpkins, decorating classroom doors, and participating in different games throughout the week. There are a lot of good reasons to get those kiddos reading!
The most exciting thing here at Immanuel Is reading an “above ordinary” book–the Bible. It Is very fun and exciting to know that the children are learning about all the “characters” of the Bible and soaking In what this book has to offer!
The children will be singing in church on Sunday. Please have them upstairs by 8:40. They will sit as a school until they go up to sing, and then they will come back and join their parents! See you there!
Basketball season will be starting up on Nov. 30 from 3:30-5:30 Grades 5-8
Nov. 14: Children sing in Church
Nov. 15: Square 1 Art Orders are Due!
Nov. 16: Butter Braid Delivery!
Nov. 24-26: NO SCHOOL
Nov. 30: Basketball Starts! Practice 3:30-5
Bold as a lion, you hunt me…
~ Job 10:16 ~
• No bus on Friday, Nov. 12th!
• There has been a delay in the school pictures—issue with getting supplies. All orders are ready just a delay in processing.
• Basketball season will be starting up on Nov. 30 from 3:30-5:30 Grades 5-8
Nov. 7: Pajama Day to kick off the Book Fair!
Nov. 9-10: Parent/Teacher Conferences
Nov. 12: Veterans’ Day Program @ 2:00 – Wear Red, White, & Blue! No Bus!
Nov. 15: Square 1 Art orders are due