Better is the end of a thing than its beginning! Ecclesiastes 7:8
That’s a Wrap, Folks!
Wow! The end of the week! The end of the month! The end of the quarter!
All good things must come to an end. The kids and staff have done a tremendous job at making it through this first quarter successfully! There were a lot of adjustments and changes and a new way of making things seem normal; and I’m sure there will be a lot to be learned from this year (hindsight is always 2020)!
As we begin a new quarter, let us always remember to place our hope in God for another successful and healthy quarter!
If you don’t like something, change it;
If you can’t change it, change the
way you think about it!
Thinking Positive!
I never thought I’d be writing about snow already this year. Then again, this IS quite the year. Like a lot of things, we could think “Already? Why? When will it go away? What a mess?” How many of us can relate these questions to multiple situations? BUT, let’s try to be positive!
God can make anything special and wonderful! God makes all things anew! (2 Corinthians 5:17- Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”) Whatever yucky situations we may be in, God has a way and the power to switch things around and make good things happen! At least, as Christians, we can TRY and have a positive outlook!
… I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest! ~ JOHN 4:35
The Bible is clear about the importance of the mission and our involvement in it. In our work, school or neighborhood, where do you see the harvest?
Even uneasy times can bring about blessings. Unfortunately, distance learning is NOT for everyone and this tends to be a tougher year for everyone parents, children, and educators alike!
BUT at Immanuel, we are very excited to be able to welcome some new families into our building and help them along the way!
God has offered us the opportunity to share our love and learning style with new students! May we rejoice always and use every opportunity for His mission.
We pray God guides schools everywhere in these tough times!
We could not say thank you enough to EVERYONE that supported our annual Best of the Wurst celebration! In whatever way, shape or form-whether it was through our Buy-It-Now items, online auction items, buying a meal, donating, volunteering time, or simply spreading the word and supporting our mission, we are forever grateful!
PLEASE REMEMBER to sign up for Parent/Teacher Conferences!
One more weekend to sell butter braids! Butter Braid Order Forms are due back MONDAY, Nov. 2!
WE COLLECTED $250.91 for Central Lutheran School!
Next quarter we have the opportunity to help an ILS alumnus, Aaron Wendorff, and his family! He is on his 3rd year in the seminary and is a vicar (pastor-in-training) in Waupun, WI right now. They are truly thankful for our prayers and support! Check out more information on our bulletin board in the school entrance!
Oct. 12: Butterbraid Sales
Oct. 15-16: MEA Break
Oct. 30: Fall Fun Day! (More info to come!)
Nov. 2: Butterbraid Sales End
Nov. 10: Scrip is Due!
Nov. 11-12: Parent/Teacher Conferences
Nov. 20: Picture Retakes this IS a change from 11/19