I think we can all agree that we are blessed with a beautiful facility here at Immanuel.
Just like our family homes we need to take care of our school home. We are planning a work day here at the school on August 7th to deep clean a few spots in the building, wash windows, wipe out lockers, spruce up the outside and maybe do a little painting if there are enough helpers. The plan is to work from 8-12 unless some want to work longer. We would appreciate any and all help that can come.
The following weekend is Eggstravaganza and we have a few opportunities for families to assist and serve ILS. August 14th –
- We are hosting a Make and Take event on Saturday morning at the old Skating Rink in the park. It would be great to have help leading or participating in this event. See the attached flyer.
- Then we have the parade in which we need families to ride on the float or walk alongside.
- But the biggest event of the weekend is the Hamburger Stand which will open at 11 in the park. Pastor Hinz and Amy Hahn are organizing this again for us this year, but they need some helpers. The plan is for 2 hour shifts (11-1, 1-3, 3-5, 5-7, 7-9, and 9 to close). Please email the office or call to sign up for a spot. They are also looking for a couple of people to help serve on the planning committee with them with organizational ideas. This fundraiser goes toward our beautiful building mortgage.
PLEASE check your calendar and help us get ready for another great year! God’s Blessings to you all. Mrs. King
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