…” all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all
things, and in him all things hold together. “ ~ Colossians 1:16-17 ~
The Three R’s
The three R’s are the 3 basic skills taught in schools-reading, writing, and arithmetic. Not here. Yes, we learn those 3 things. In addition, though, we learn so much more! I remember a time last year when two girls from the community were sitting in the office with me. They had missed their bus and were waiting for another bus to come and pick them up. I visited with them a bit as they sat in here. If you can picture the office, they were each sitting in one of the green chairs “at Jesus’ feet “(below the statue of Jesus on the wall). They would glance up from time to time, in between watching the students come in for the day. They commented “You learn about Jesus here, PLUS all the other stuff? That’s a lot!”
I agree! I love how we sure learn A LOT here! As important as the 3 Rs are, the ONE ‘C’ is even more important! By putting Christ first, we learn how to tackle any problem-whether an arithmetic problem or a sticky situation out in the world!
In all things, Christ is with us!
We cannot protect our children from everything, and we cannot possibly prepare them for everything they will encounter in life; but we can give them a great foundation to build on and let Christ take it from there! It is a wonderful opportunity to be able to freely share this with the students and something to truly celebrate!
We hope the children enjoyed all the activities and dress-up days this week to celebrate National Lutheran Schools Week and School Choice Week! I hope the excitement and fire burn in your hearts and inspire you to keep sharing His Word!
Repord cards were sent home today
Jan. 31: Cheer Practice. @4:45
Feb. 1: Home Basket Ball Game
Feb. 3: Home Basket Ball Game
Feb. 7: Cheer Practice
Feb. 8: Spring Auction Meeting
Feb. 10: Home Basket Ball Game
Feb. 14: NO CHEER Practice
Feb. 18: Lake Crystal
Feb. 19: Basket Ball Tournament in Hutchinson
Feb. 21: NO SCHOOL
And He will send His angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
~ Matthew 24:31~
With basketball season upon us, this shouldn’t be too hard to imagine:
The crowd is counting down, “THREE, TWO, ONE!” (Insert buzzer noise here). The ball is lofted into the air from half-court and misses its target. The ref waves his arms signaling the end of the game.
Today also marks the end of the quarter here at school. Pencils down. No more time to complete missing assignments, fix corrections or show your work.
On a sadder note, the nurse explains to the family “You may want to say your good-byes. They don’t have a lot of time left.”
There is a ray of hope in all these scenarios! No, there is no overtime, no extension was given on missing work, and no miracles were performed. TIME IS UP! The ball is handed over to the referee, the teacher has entered the grades in the system, and your loved one has taken their final breath. Praise the Lord for His unfailing grace. Faith in the Triune God and belief that He died on the cross and rose again for us is the ONLY hope we have. Consider it your “extension!”
Stamp club will be on Thursday this week
Jan. 23: Muffins @ Church to kick off NLSW
Jan. 24-28: NLSW w/ dressup days and field trips
Jan. 24: Cheer Practice, (4:45-5:30) NO BUS!!!
Jan. 25: Basketball game in Hutchinson
Jan. 27: Basketball practice w/spaghetti dinner
1 Corinthians 15:58 ~
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always
abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. ~
To Work or Not To Work—That is the Question?
Motivation/laziness, endurance/limits, conveniences/hardships, praise/grumble, annoyance/opportunity. Where am I going with this today? My inspiration came this morning when I grabbed one of my favorite gifted coffee mugs out of the cupboard which reads “I’m not feeling very worky today.” It’s true of a lot of us many days, I am sure of it; and I’m guessing it’s a pretty “normal” feeling. BUT, I think we all are well aware it’s not okay to REMAIN in this state. Every minute is a blessing—how are you using it?
Use this example: Have you ever thought of a microwave as a sin? I am guessing not. A microwave is a great convenience! But how are you spending your extra time that was given to you from this convenience? Are you using it to go and do better in the world or selfishly spend more time on your own pleasures? It’s easy to complain when things don’t go the way we want them to or try to “escape” when hardships arise and things are not as convenient as they maybe once were. There are a lot of things going on in the world today! Satan is working extra hard at pulling us in so many different directions to keep us from doing the Lord’s work.
How can we keep a positive attitude and continue to work as hard as we can doing God’s command of making disciples? Do we endure and persevere, or do we grumble and complain? Do we see volunteering time as an annoyance or an opportunity? Are we setting a good example for the generation to come?
Go ahead and have a “lazy” morning with your cup of coffee on this snowy day—but then, get up and tackle whatever the Lord has in store for you with a little bounce in your step!
Please come to a meeting on Wednesday, January 19, from 6-7 p.m. regarding our upcoming new Spring auction!
Jan. 18: Home Basketball
Jan. 20: Home Basketball
Jan. 21: End of 2nd Quarter (Dismissal @ 12:45)
Jan. 23: Muffins to kick off National Lutheran Schools Week
Jan. 24: NO BUS!!!
Jan. 24-28: NLSW w/ dress-up days and field trips
School has been cancelled, “stay safe and warm” we say.
Boy, do I remember as a child waiting in anticipation for
school to be called off or at least
a 2-hour delay. The night before we stayed up as late as Mom and Dad would let us, watching the schools scroll across the bottom of the television screen, others around us closing, waiting to see if ours would decide to call it too. In the morning we’d sit at the breakfast table with our bowl of cereal with Dad and listen to the radio for the announcements! I can still feel the excitement!
The kids nowadays hardly have that experience. The wait isn’t near as long with technology. Some aren’t even given the free day with E-learning and zoom class features.
Of course, you could argue that it’s a great thing-they don’t have to miss any school
because of the inclement weather. They can stay safe and warm and still have a day of
learning. I beg to differ for multiple reasons, but all opinions aside, if given a snow day, it’s
yours—for free!
Can you imagine the feelings of anticipation of Jesus’ birth? How they must have felt
knowing the King would be born to set them free! To set us free! And not only for a day!
We now have the anticipation of the last day when we will be set free forever! Imagine
watching and waiting if your name is on the bottom of the screen announcing your one of
the chosen—your given freedom from sin and death and give eternal life-safe and warm in
the arms of Jesus! That is something we can look forward to with true excitement; and no
technology can take that away!
Hopefully we have all enjoyed the couple of breaks we’ve had already; and if we are
“blessed” with any more snow days, may we be reminded of the final “break” we will be
given with our Lord and Savior!
Kids sing in church on Sunday!
End of 2nd Qtr. is coming up on Jan. 21st with only a ½ day of school!
Students K-4: Book contest going on: Ask your children about it!
SUNDAY, Jan. 9: Kids sing in church @ 9 a.m. service
Youth Group Painting @2pm
Jan. 11: Home Basketball
Jan. 12: PUZZLE CLUB 3:30-4:30
Jan. 13: Home Basketball