For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
~Romans 3:23~
Autumn has arrived! Fall seems to be a lot of people’s favorite season. One of the most admired things about Fall is the gorgeous colors of leaves. Some of the past few days, though, have been so windy; and I thought to myself, “All the leaves are going to fall off before they turn their pretty colors.”
Then I was led to think, like the leaves, we too fall. We are led astray, we stumble, we get tripped up, and we fall! Every time! Sure, we succeed at some things. But we can never be perfect, no matter how hard we try.
Thankfully, God’s grace pulls us through. Each year, even though a lot of leaves get blown off the trees; there are always some remaining to get their new color and display their glorious beauty. Again, like us! If we keep trying and keep “hanging on”, we will, because of God’s grace, be made anew; and we will be like Him-perfect and glorious!
Enjoy the beautiful fall weather and array of colors!
~Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or
think, according to the power at work within us, to Him be the glory…
Ephesians 3:20 ~
Mum’s the Word
Did you know that we sold over 400 mums in our Gerten’s fundraiser? That’s a lot of mums!
They are going to be delivered on Sept. 22 in the church parking lot—please watch your email for more details regarding times for pickup. “Mum” seems to be the word.
Mum’s the word is an idiom that dates back to the turn of the eighteenth century. It is an admonition to keep something quiet, to keep something secret, or to remain silent.
As of late, it seems it is only getting harder and harder to express our beliefs and exercise our right of freedom of speech. We have the right to exercise our freedom of speech by speaking directly with God. Through our faith in Him, we can approach God with freedom and confidence. He is able to do more than we ever ask.
When times are continually changing, may we always know God is always constant and present in our lives. We pray we will always be able to share that with our children here at Immanuel and send them off into the world with the assurance of His everlasting grace and love!
~ “For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross” (COL. 1:19–20). ~
This year’s theme is taken from Colossians 1:15-20. It reminds us that Christ created all things, that He rules over all things, and that He reconciles all things. Everyday, at Immanuel, we have the opportunity to learn about all the things Christ is and all the things Christ has done for us. What a blessing! Heavenly Father, we look forward to all the things that have been planned for this school year. Bless all things that happen in every classroom and every school activity. Thank You for the opportunities that we will have to worship You. Grant that “In All Things” You are glorified. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Picture day is Monday, September 27